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Bowlish Infant School

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Once Upon a Dance

A group of Year 2 children and our Arts Ambassadors performed in the show 'Once Upon a Dance', held at St Paul's CEVC Junior School.  The show included performances from a range of schools and organisations, bringing together different generations and experiences to create a wonderful production for families and friends to enjoy.  Professional artists and choreographers worked with the groups to create art work, puppets and dances for the performance.  The Year 2 children from Bowlish performed their 'Monster Mash' dance with lovely confidence and joy.  They also created and performed a shadow puppet section to say thank you and goodbye to Mrs Gilbert who is leaving the school at the end of term.  Well done to all of the children and adults involved and thank you to Louise Lappin-Cook for the wonderful experiences provided to the children through 'Make the Sunshine'.  
