Curriculum - Key Stage 1
Entering Key Stage 1
When the children move into Year 1 they start to learn within Key Stage 1 of the National Curriculum. The areas of learning are based on the following subjects;
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Art
- Music
- Design Technology
- PE
- Computing
- Personal, Social, Health and Relationships education (taught through the Jigsaw curriculum resource)
The children also experience Religious Education based on the County Agreed Syllabus for RE.
As within the Reception classes the teachers plan cross-curricular topics as much as possible to ensure that the learning has a theme and inspires the children. Phonics continues to be an important element of learning and daily phonics sessions support the children in progressing with reading and spelling.
Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
It is important that our curriculum is planned, implemented and monitored to ensure that the children are provided with learning experiences that enable them to learn and remember more and apply their skills effectively in order to further develop. In developing our school curriculum we have ensured that the expectations of the National Curriculum are covered with a focus on the development of skills and knowledge. Our curriculum statements for: Intent (what we want the children to learn and develop), Implementation (how we intend to teach and implement the curriculum effectively) and Impact (what we want to see as outcomes for the children) are detailed for subjects below.