Reading at Bowlish
A high priority is placed on supporting children to read and inspiring children to read for enjoyment at school and into their future. Each class has a well-stocked library area which children enjoy visiting to hear and read a range of books including stories, poetry, non-fiction and picture books. Class library areas are reviewed regularly and the stock of books is checked to ensure that a wide range of quality books are available for the children to read and to have read to them.
Our systematic approach to teaching phonics and key words supports the children in developing the skills to read. They start reading books using the Read Write Inc reading scheme which is matched to the phonics programme. This structure enables the children to apply their phonic and key word skills within their guided and independent reading. As the children gain reading fluency and confidence they are introduced to other quality reading books for their guided and individual reading activities.
Teachers read regularly to their class and engage the children with activities to select and recommend books to be read in class. Story sessions in class enable the children to hear a wide range of quality texts, often enjoying them to be read again!