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Home Learning - Reading Resources


Please use the links below to continue to provide further support for your child with reading.


Read, Write, Inc books are available through the link for each colour.  These are phonic reading books.  Remember it is important for your child to read the 'speed sounds, green and red words' at the start of the book before they read the story.  They may need more help the first time, so it is always good to have another read of the book when they can show greater confidence with the reading.


Oxford Owl also has other reading books which are linked to book bands which may not be phonic reading books.  Ask your child questions after reading the book so that they remember that reading is about gaining information.  Talk about the characters and events and what they liked or didn't like about the book.  


Collins Big Cat e-books are not phonic reading books.  They can be used for younger children to have books read to them.  Children who do not require phonic reading books can access books at the right book band for them to read.


Please contact your child's Class Teacher if you are unsure which set of reading books your child should access to read.


Home Learning - Additional Resources to Access
Lots of activities to help with your child's wellbeing can be accessed on the link below.  Please visit the website and support your child with accessing the activities and advice.